Amiga Plus 2004 #2
Amiga Plus CD - 2004 - No. 02.iso
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332 lines
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "
" The BasicIFF Class interfaces AmigaTalk to the iffparse.library. See "
" class IDNumbers in IFFConstants.st file for valid ID numbers that "
" identify valid IFF chunks that IFF files & Objects contain. "
" EXAMPLE: 16r424F4459 is 'BODY' "
" You should have access to the documentation for iffparse.library (or "
" wait for me to write some examples of how to use this Class ;). I'm "
" NOT going to re-hash the IFF documentation for iffparse.library. The "
" Help directory is getting complicated as it is. "
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "
Class BasicIFF :Object ! private !
<primitive 240 0 0 private>.
<primitive 250 5 0 private>.
^ nil
openIFF: iffFileName type: fileType mode: mode ! chk !
" fileType here means: 0 for a file, & 1 for a clipboard.
* mode is either #IFFF_READ, IFFF_WRITE or IFFF_RWBITS:
chk <- <primitive 240 0 1 iffFileName fileType mode>.
(chk isNil)
ifTrue: ['Did NOT openIFF (nil returned!).' print.
^ nil
^ private <- chk
initIFFHook: hookObj flags: flags
<primitive 240 1 0 private hookObj flags>
<primitive 240 1 1 private>
<primitive 240 1 2 private>
<primitive 240 2 0 private>
openClipboard: clipUnitNumber " Range for clipUnitNumber is 0 to 255 "
^ <primitive 240 2 1 private clipUnitNumber>
parseIFF: mode
" Control modes for parseIFF method:
^ <primitive 240 2 2 private mode>
readChunkBytes: byteArray size: numBytes
^ <primitive 240 2 3 private byteArray numBytes>
readChunkRecords: byteArray size: numBytes number: numRecords
^ <primitive 240 2 4 private byteArray numBytes numRecords>
writeChunkBytes: byteArray size: numBytes
^ <primitive 240 2 5 private byteArray numBytes>
writeChunkRecords: byteArray size: numBytes number: numRecords
^ <primitive 240 2 6 private byteArray numBytes numRecords>
stopChunk: type id: id
" The most common types are:
* See IDNumbers Class in IFFConstants.st for id values.
^ <primitive 240 2 7 private type id>
stopChunksWith: propertyArray size: numPairs
" Do a bunch of stopChunk settings at once.
* The propertyArray is constructed as follows:
* ele[1] <- type, ele[2] <- id,
* ele[3] <- nextType, ele[4] <- nextid,
* ...
^ <primitive 240 2 16 private propertyArray numPairs>
^ <primitive 240 2 8 private>
propertyChunk: type id: id
^ <primitive 240 2 9 private type id>
propertyChunksWith: propertyArray size: numPairs
" Do a bunch of propertyChunk settings at once.
* The propertyArray is constructed as follows:
* ele[1] <- type, ele[2] <- id,
* ele[3] <- nextType, ele[4] <- nextid,
* ...
^ <primitive 240 2 17 private propertyArray numPairs>
findProperty: type id: id
^ <primitive 240 2 10 private type id>
collectionChunk: type id: id
^ <primitive 240 2 11 private type id>
collectionChunksWith: propertyArray size: numPairs
" Do a bunch of collectionChunk settings at once.
* The propertyArray is constructed as follows:
* ele[1] <- type, ele[2] <- id,
* ele[3] <- nextType, ele[4] <- nextid,
* ...
^ <primitive 240 2 18 private propertyArray numPairs>
findCollection: type id: id
^ <primitive 240 2 12 private type id>
stopOnExit: type id: id
^ <primitive 240 2 13 private type id>
addEntryHandlerHook: hookObj for: anObject type: type id: id position: pos
^ <primitive 240 2 14 private hookObj anObject type id pos>
addExitHandlerHook: hookObj for: anObject type: type id: id position: pos
^ <primitive 240 2 15 private hookObj anObject type id pos>
pushChunk: type id: id size: size
" size can also be #IFFSIZE_UNKNOWN if you dont know the size "
^ <primitive 240 3 0 private type id size>
^ <primitive 240 3 1 private>
^ <primitive 240 3 2 private>
allocateLocalItem: ident type: type id: id size: dataSize
^ <primitive 240 4 0 private type id ident dataSize>
^ <primitive 240 4 1 private>
storeLocalItem: position
^ <primitive 240 4 2 private position>
<primitive 240 4 3 private>
^ <primitive 240 4 4 private>
findLocalItem: ident type: type id: id
^ <primitive 240 4 5 private type id ident>
<primitive 240 4 6 private>
setLocalItemPurge: hookObj
<primitive 240 4 7 private hookObj>
getErrorString: errorNumber
^ <primitive 240 5 errorNumber>
idToString: identifier
^ <primitive 240 6 identifier>
getPropertySize: propertyObject
^ <primitive 240 7 0 propertyObject>
getPropertyData: propertyObject
^ <primitive 240 7 1 propertyObject>
getCollectionSize: collectionObject
^ <primitive 240 8 0 collectionObject>
getCollectionData: collectionObject
^ <primitive 240 8 1 collectionObject>
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "
" The ExamineIFF Class allows the User to obtain various chunks from an "
" IFF file (NOT clipboards). "
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "
Class ExamineIFF :BasicIFF ! dataTypeTags ilbm rmode form body ftxt !
dataTypeTags <- DataTypeTags new.
body <- dataTypeTags systemTag: #ID_BODY.
form <- dataTypeTags systemTag: #ID_FORM.
ilbm <- dataTypeTags systemTag: #ID_ILBM.
ftxt <- dataTypeTags systemTag: #ID_FTXT.
rmode <- dataTypeTags systemTag: #IFFF_READ.
^ self
privateObtainChunk: chunkType from: fileName id: chunkID parent: pID ! iffObj chk rval !
iffObj <- super openIFF: fileName type: 1 mode: rmode.
iffObj initIFFAsDOS.
chk <- iffObj propertyChunk: chunkType id: chunkID. " Look for this chunk "
(chk ~= 0 or: [chk isNil])
ifTrue: [ (iffObj getErrorString: chk) print.
iffObj closeIFF.
^ nil ].
chk <- iffObj stopChunk: chunkType id: pID.
(chk ~= 0 or: [chk isNil])
ifTrue: [ (iffObj getErrorString: chk) print.
iffObj closeIFF.
^ nil ].
chk <- iffObj parseIFF: (dataTypeTags systemTag: #IFFPARSE_SCAN).
(chk ~= 0 or: [chk isNil])
ifTrue: [ (iffObj getErrorString: chk) print.
iffObj closeIFF.
^ nil ].
rval <- iffObj findProperty: chunkType id: chunkID.
(rval isNil)
ifTrue: [ 'NO bitmap header found!' print.
iffObj closeIFF.
^ nil ].
iffObj closeIFF.
^ rval
obtainBMHD: fileName ! bmhd !
bmhd <- dataTypeTags systemTag: #ID_BMHD.
^ self privateObtainChunk: ilbm from: fileName id: bmhd parent: body
obtainCMAP: fileName ! cmap !
cmap <- dataTypeTags systemTag: #ID_CMAP.
^ self privateObtainChunk: ilbm from: fileName id: cmap parent: body
obtainCAMG: fileName ! camg !
camg <- dataTypeTags systemTag: #ID_CAMG.
^ self privateObtainChunk: ilbm from: fileName id: camg parent: body
obtainPixelData: fileName
^ self privateObtainChunk: ilbm from: fileName id: body parent: form
obtainCHRS: fileName ! chrs !
chrs <- dataTypeTags systemTag: #ID_CHRS.
^ self privateObtainChunk: ftxt from: fileName id: chrs parent: form
obtainVHDR: fileName ! vhdr svx8 !
svx8 <- dataTypeTags systemTag: #ID_8SVX.
vhdr <- dataTypeTags systemTag: #ID_VHDR.
^ self privateObtainChunk: svx8 from: fileName id: vhdr parent: form
obtainVoiceData: fileName ! svx8 !
svx8 <- dataTypeTags systemTag: #ID_8SVX.
^ self privateObtainChunk: svx8 from: fileName id: body parent: form